Need a Speaker?

Speaking in front of ladies for a League Day or Retreat, teachers at a Teacher's Conference, small groups for Parenting Courses or large mixed groups is a pleasure for me as I am honoured to share God's Covenant blessings through various topics.  Below is a list of topics I am prepared to speak on but I am willing to work on custom topics as well, as it fits your group and uses my knowledge.

If you have any questions about the various topics listed below, please do not hesitate to contact me.

  1. God's Covenant Lived Out in the Church - Micah 6 is the summary of God’s covenant, which sounds so very simple and yet some of the simplest things in life are the most difficult for us.  In this presentation I draw on my knowledge of the secular theory of attachment and God's covenant to look at the struggle as we work through God’s covenant and how it is manifest in His Church.                                                                                                                                  
  2. Relational Wisdom - This seminar is all about Building relationships by taking every thought, emotion, and action captive to Christ.  This seminar is designed to teach you how to improve your ability to develop authentic, enjoyable, productive, and lasting relationships. The principles you will learn have the potential to impact every aspect of your life, including your worship, marital intimacy, parenting, and friendships, as well as your workplace performance and career advancement.                                                                                                           
  3. Biblical Peacemaking - In this topic I present what Ken Sande and various other Christian lawyers developed in a set of principles to help people solve conflicts through a Biblical Peacemaking process.  The four basic principles which they developed are summarized as: Glorify God, Get the log out of your eye, Gently restore, and Go and be reconciled (Sande, 2004).                                                                                                                                  
  4. Misunderstood Child - 1 in 5 children and adolescents have emotional and behavioural problems sufficient to warrant a mental health diagnosis and many also experience psycho-social problems as a result of the difficult living conditions associated with poverty.  However the gap between mental health needs of children and adolescents and the services available to them is a widely recognized problem.  It is recognized that schools are in a unique position to identify the mental health problems and provide links to the appropriate services.  When help is given children can grow and learn in their educational environment.

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