"What is the way out of shame?
The unclean become clean. The clean become holy.
The naked are clothed in royal garments.
The outcasts are accepted as children of the honoured King.
You might decide that life is worth living." (Welch, p. 76)
Humans were created naked and unashamed; they made themselves naked and ashamed, so they ran and hid, not wanting to be seen. But God found them and covered them up with animal skins.
Welch now describes how God established the priesthood to lead His people in worship, but that He gave them the clothes to wear, beautiful clothes, sacred and holy, set apart by God Himself just as its wearers were. Now we really begin to see how God wages the war against shame as He gives glory and beauty to His people. Glory, beauty, consecrate -- all words to identify holy things belonging to God. Splendour is possible because God makes it splendid and that's what we need to hold onto and just let wash over us. Don't fight it! Just rest in it! Stop the BUTS and just sit for a moment and let that thought that God makes you splendid sit with you!!!
On regular days, the priests were just regular people, doing regular chores, eating, drinking, sleeping, cleaning, parents, coaches, neighbours.... The only thing was that their "job" was priest, a job they didn't earn but was given to them by God. Just regular people like you and me, until they got dressed. Then they looked SPECTACULAR. (p. 79)
When you read the description of the priests' clothes in Exodus 28, you see the detail that God designed into the clothing because whoever wore that clothing became associated with the Holy King. It changed the status of whoever wore God's designer clothes.
But how does this help us? Welch describes three ways:
1. the priests were normal, sinful human beings just like us -- you don't have to be perfect to be made holy.
2. OT culture was like ours, your identity is tied to who you represent, usually a king, prime minister, country and the status of that king, PM, country is your status. We are Israelites, God's chosen covenant people so we are tied to God, our identity is tied to God's identity!
3. The priests wore the Israelites -- precious stones symbolizing Israel's 12 tribes were on their garments (Ex 28:29). In a very real sense, the people entered the presence of God when the priests did, and whenever you go into the presence of God, you WILL look a bit more glorious!
Welch encourages us to keep with the slowly unfolding story in the OT. Splendour comes back into the world through a group of old, bearded men who you wouldn't think were anything special until they wore their royal priestly robes!! We are connected to those priests. 1 Peter 2:9 "You are a chosen race, a royal priesthood." Wow, I'm a royal priest? Sounds hard to believe but don't fight it, just relax and let those words sit with you again. You are a royal priest!!! Let the words roll over you, sit with you.....
Welch explains that these royal garments make us stand out, but they also make us fit in. They announce that we BELONG. When we wear a special garment, we're no longer alone, outcast and we don't act the way we once did.
When you get a uniform for your job, think police officers, paramedics..., you represent that company, job, adopting the values of that job -- healing, safety, service -- whatever the company values you put on and show that to others. It's like a clothing makeover, changing you from a regular joe, to company rep, shoulders squared, stand a bit straighter, adding a bit of a swagger....
Now think about wearing the priestly robes of our God, connecting us to Him, belonging to Him, we have a purpose!! There is a reason for us to get out of bed now and move toward other people, to bless others is part of our job description (Num 6:22-27).
This may sound hard right now, especially if you are having a hard time believing God is good, but just hang onto the hope and fight that little voice that wants to trash all of this. Tell it to STOP, and just relax, imagine that you are wearing God's designer outfit, imagine wearing LOVE which is the biggest value of God. Let your heart fill with the idea that God gives you love. Think about a pail filling with water, your heart filling with God's love. When the pail gets full, it starts to overflow and that's the same with us. When our hearts fill with God's love we will overflow with God's love (Lk 6:45). That's what it means to fulfill our purpose of priestly blessing (p. 83).
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