In this chapter Welch shows how Jesus "takes our guilt and shame and we receive His righteousness and holiness." He took this burden to the cross and there obliterated it. When I hear that word obliterated, I think of a bomb totally obliterating, destroying that burden of guilt and shame. How did Christ do that?
Welch uses one chapter of Mark to help us understand this. He encourages us to look at this chapter and watch how uncleanness, rejection, and soon, nakedness pile up on Jesus in concentrated form. There is NO WAY we can say Jesus doesn't understand (p.171-2).
Mark 14 begins with the leaders wanting to kill Jesus -- He was rejected totally!!
The next verses tell how the people didn't get the importance of who Jesus was, thinking money for the poor was way more important than perfume for Jesus. Verses 3-9 tell how only Simon the Leper and the woman anointing Him knew who He was -- all the rest rejected Him!!
Verses 10-11 then describe Jesus' betrayal by one of His closest twelve friends!!! - BETRAYED, REJECTED!!
Then DENIAL - verses 27-31 Peter's denial is prophesied. To be denied labels you as the most severe form of NOTHING (p.173)!!
Verses 32-34, 37-42 describe how His disciples could not stay awake for Him, to pray for Him -- another expression of Jesus' value to the disciples. NOBODY was with Him in His pain, death was all around Him and they couldn't Pray!!
Verses 43-46, 50 - "they all left Him and fled." -- Everyone, ISOLATION in it's worst case scenario!!
Verses 53 - 59 - procession of accusers accusing the God Himself - the world was judge and jury. THIS WAS THE PATH JESUS CHOSE!!! The PATH to rescue YOU and ME!!!
Verses 60-65 Jesus says nothing to defend Himself. The shamed are powerless, Welch tells us, and Jesus chose to give up all power -- DESPISED, USELESS ANIMAL!!!
Verses 66-68 Peter denies Jesus, and he is put on trial by the servant girl who is ruthless, turning to the bystanders, and still Peter denies Jesus! 3 TIMES DENIED by His disciple!!!
Welch leaves us with these two questions to think about:
- Are you persuaded that Jesus experienced shame?
- What difference does it make to you that Jesus experienced these extremes of rejection?
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