The rejection Christ experienced on the way to the cross was like a concentrated despising by all human beings at the same time. Ever drunk concentrated grapefruit juice? How strong it is and nasty? Bet you didn't drink the whole cup did you? But Jesus did! Look at the hatred and rejection He took on Himself
- Jesus' shame was deeper than ours and we are among the scorners
- look at Jesus's alienation and rejection at the hands of the entire world, including us
- all human contempt was focused on Jesus and we participated
- First He prayed that this cup pass from Him, but not as He willed but as God willed (Mt 26:39)
- this cup was God's wrath all stored up for centuries and anyone who drank it would be left reeling, staggering, disoriented and Jesus knew He needed help to keep His wits about Him
- Jesus asked for God to be with Him because the cup also represented separation from God - under God's curse not blessing. Jesus would experience the worst kind of rejection and alienation from the Father FOR US
- Jesus experienced incomparable shame, and He experienced it at the hands of EVERYONE
- He was put on trial!
- the mocking was nonstop!
- was taken before Pilate, which meant He was not just on trial before the Jews but in front of the WHOLE WORLD!
- He was flogged!
- He was spit on!
- although offered wine to help Him with the pain, He refused it, suffering every bit of pain WITHOUT painkillers!
- even as He was hung on the cross, people continued to mock Him, even those hung beside Him! (Mt 27:34-39)
- only a handful of Beatitude-keeping women would stand with the King!
- then He died!!! In His God-forsaken state He calls out "It is finished"!
Just like any multi-tasker God has many roles and they all came together at the cross: Father, Son, Spirit, Brother, Servant, King, Priest, Judge, Warrior ... Welch now takes a closer look at the relational love and cleansing power of the Father, Husband and Priest.
Father - This time Welch shows how the story of the Prodigal Son comes together at the cross (Luke 15). It is because of what happened at the cross that the Heavenly Father can run to embrace us, His swine-contaminated, contemptuous people. Not only does the Father run to MEET US, He also accepts us enthusiastically giving us honour, clothing us in the robe of distinction (Luke 15:22-24). The cross brings reconciliation, restoring our relationship with God (Rom 5:9-11; 1 Pet 3:18)!!!
Priests - the story of the cross is also about the temple with its priests and the people who brought an endless amount of sacrifices and offerings Welch next explains. Five different sacrifices were offered in the OT: grain and fellowship offerings of thanks, no animals slaughtered, included a meal to symbolize fellowship with God. Burnt, sin and guilt offerings all shed blood whether the worshiper was guilty of sin and contaminated or defiled by something unclean. Blood had to be shed to show the great cost of reconciliation with the Holy One - Jesus' death. Shed blood also demonstrated cleansing was more than washing because blood represented LIFE (Lev 17:11). We need true, spiritual life to replace the soul-deadening effects of shame.
When Jesus said "It is finished" He taught us there is nothing left to do. He has touched you and me, sprinkled His blood on us:
Priests - the story of the cross is also about the temple with its priests and the people who brought an endless amount of sacrifices and offerings Welch next explains. Five different sacrifices were offered in the OT: grain and fellowship offerings of thanks, no animals slaughtered, included a meal to symbolize fellowship with God. Burnt, sin and guilt offerings all shed blood whether the worshiper was guilty of sin and contaminated or defiled by something unclean. Blood had to be shed to show the great cost of reconciliation with the Holy One - Jesus' death. Shed blood also demonstrated cleansing was more than washing because blood represented LIFE (Lev 17:11). We need true, spiritual life to replace the soul-deadening effects of shame.
When Jesus said "It is finished" He taught us there is nothing left to do. He has touched you and me, sprinkled His blood on us:
- He brings us into the temple, the place of God's presence
- we lay our hands on the Lamb of God, transferring our sin and shame to Him as He identifies with us
- the final barrier between us and God was gone when Christ's sacrifice was complete, the temple curtain torn from top to bottom (Mt 27:51)
- we are invited to a fellowship meal with God - the Lord's Supper (1 Cor 11:23-26)
Husband - God is THE HUSBAND from which earthly husbands are images. The prophets Ezekiel and Hosea tell the story of how Israel (us) turned away from God but God reached out as a husband, keeping His covenant promises, buying us back over and over. The cross shows what the Husband did for His wayward wife (us)
- died for us!
- when Jesus died, we died along with Him. We identify with Him!
- Jesus was resurrected!
- when Jesus was resurrected, we were made alive with Jesus - we are no longer the same person - our shame is no longer attached to us!
Welch encourages us to keep the cross in mind, to remember what happened there and then TALK, TALK, TALK about it. Ask others to TALK about it with you. Find ourselves in Scripture!
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