Monday, August 19, 2013

The Way of the Kingdom

It's time now to look at the last chapter in the section Shame, Honour and Jesus.  Welch begins this chapter with the following words about the basic rhythm of life with the new KING:

Put your shame into words.
Turn to your Rescuer.
     Know Him.
     Be associated with Him.
     Get your feet washed.
     Persevere -- get ready to fight.
Turn toward others: Love.

Welch then begins to remind us that we are the hopeful now and the hopeful take on seemingly impossible tasks, and the first task is to put words on the shameful event (p.208)

  • what happened?
  • how do we still carry it with us?
    • how do we feel like an outcast?
    • how do we feel exposed?
    • how do feel dirty?
    • do we feel worthless, like nothing?
    • how have we tried to manage these experiences in the past?
    • has Jesus ever been part of how we have managed shame?
  • how does shame affect our relationship with others?
    • who do we avoid?
    • how do we cover up?
    • how do we try to make up for being so bad?
  • how does our shame affect our relationship with God?
Welch now strongly encourages us to write, talk, get the shame out of the shadows!!!!!  As we write and talk we get it out before the LORD who already knows all about it, but more risky is telling other people.  Choose one person you can trust to share, to get it out into the Light.

We need to turn to our Rescuer.  Although it may seem that we are more afraid of the judgement of people than God, Welch tells us that our deepest shame is actually before the LORD, so it is important that we turn to Him first and then to others.  When we eat with the King, the snubs by people may hurt but they can't destroy.

Therefore Welch now encourages us to 
  • Know God - trust and rest in Christ alone (Jer 9:23-24)
  • Be associated with God - pledge allegiance to Him alone -- SAY IT OUT LOUD.  Call yourself a Christian, you belong to Him.  Remember that God chose the outcasts - you!!! (1 Cor 1:27-29)
  • Get your feet washed - recognize your daily sins and take them to Christ to be washed daily (John 13:6-10).  Get used to being served by Christ, don't let your pride turn Him away.  Daily cleansing is confessing and repenting, ask for forgiveness and KNOW that we are forgiven.
  • Persevere - get ready to fight.  
    • The Holy Spirit gives us a new heart to fight with (Ezek 36:26-27).  Once we were dead but now we are alive and that means we have to battle our hesitations, doubts and preferences for the familiar shameful "home".  Don't let the thought of being indebted to the way of the Gospel hold you back.
    • Battle the world and its views of honour and shame - we do not have to earn honour from God, flaunt that honour or stand in judgement over those who have less.
    • Battle the false kingdom - satan wants to keep you in shame.  Recognize and identify him as the enemy and he wants to persuade you that there is no way out of shame.  Watch out when you get stuck -- it's probably satan getting the upper hand.  Watch out if you get tired and want to say God's ways are too hard, don't take a rest but keep fighting the lies of satan!!  PERSEVERE is Christ's rallying cry!!!
  • Turn toward others: LOVE
    • the path away from shame leads outward, first toward God, then toward other people.  Look at Luke 10:27, then Psalm 37:3 and then Galatians 5:6.
    • residue of shame will always stay with us but it is now counterbalanced by the honour of being associated with the King and His purposes.  Continue to read the Gospels when you are feeling low, get creative to know how to love -- look around you to see who is in need and share what you have learned in a compassionate and loving way, imitating Christ.  
    • HUMILITY is key word - says, Yes, I need a shepherd, and it clings to hope (Ps 23:6).
Welch finishes with the words "So we live with hope in the Father, Son, and Spirit and in the many promises He has made to us." (p.218)

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